Well, it would seem that all the pieces are starting to come together and that my swimming has improved immensly (though I know I still have plenty of room for improvement). I can see where it all came from - the patience of Alex helping me rebuild my stroke from the beginning, the work with all the other coaches, the swim filming that let me really see where I was going wrong (and just as importantly where I was going right!), the yoga for core work and the recent circuits classes that boosted my upper body strength as well as the core. It really feels like a reduced training load over the winter has allowed my body to absorb what I put it through last year and to rebuild itself, stronger than before.
Anyway. Tonight I went to the earpier swim session and stepped out of the first lane into the second, as I need to be pushing myself properly in advance of the race season, and tonight it worked. It felt like I swam harder, faster and more consistently than I have in a long time and most importantly it felt like I was swimming more efficiently, particularly when I was tiring, than I have ever before. Breathing out through the nose is coming easier and I'm much less prone to getting panicky. Better and better. I did gas badly towards the end, so my power output plummeted and the last 400m of the set were on cruise control. But the most pleasing thing there is that those last 400m were still pretty decent by my standard. I may have gassed, but sessions like that are going to improve my strength, so hooray for me! Though I clearly need to consider what I eat before a swim session more carefully!
Songs to find:
Hooray For Me - Bad Religion
L'Ecole de Micro D'Argent - I Am