Pool session last night, open water tonight.
Last nights pool session was an odd ball. I've got my swimming up so that I'm out of the development lane and into the middle lane, with a more consistent session. Yesterday though, I started off swimming lack a sack of potatoes, and never really pulled it back. The session started with an easy 200 as a warm up, but I started off in the middle of the group, so rather than finding my own steady warm up pace I pushed on harder than I should've so that I didn't hold anyone up. Stupid. After that, bit more warm up, into the main set and slipped back to the back of the group where I started to get into a rythmn cos I wasn't worrying about slowing people up, just about me and my tempo, listening to the feedback from my body & just trying to relax into it, and it started to work, but should've done it from the start. Towards the end, I was getting reasonably consistent I thought.
Tonight it was off to Loch Lomond for some open water swimming. With the utterly miserable weather, I struggled to get psyched up for it, and dipped into a bit of Team Roth backup to chide me into manning up. Lochside, the rain had stopped which made pulling on the neoprene a bit more appealing. The water was surprisingly mild considering the amount of rain that'd chucked down during the day. Into the swim and I found myself in a bit of a bunch a couple of times, so I'm definitely getting more comfortable with the flailing arms and legs around me! My swimming felt better than yesterday, though my shoulders were still feeling tired after last night, so I bailed after one lap and headed in to change as the skies started to open up. Job done.
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