I need to 'fess up. I need help. The substance abuse must end. I've slipped back into using stimulants to help me through the day at work. Not just coke, but Irn-Bru and Orange Lucazade Energy as well.
What did you think, that I'm like Contador or something (allegedly)???
I know how bad these drinks can be when you over indulge - masses of empty calories, caffeine & sugar rushes & crashes, increased attack on your teeth, dehydration and more - but if I'm tired & sluggish getting into the office the sweet soothing call from the vending machine is enough to spark the endorphin rush from the addiction to start the craving, dooming me to be unable to walk past without the clink of money being deposited, the clunk of the can falling and the hiss if escaping gas then finally the sweet sweet nectar caressing my taste buds. And I perk up.
But it doesn't last. The morning wears on and fatigue creeps back in along with tetchiness, so at lunch another can must be bought. Then again in the afternoon, to get me over to the end of the day, the third comes. And so the cycle continues, day after day, spiralling in towards a future where a can must be cracked open upon awakening and consumed through a straw due to the lack of teeth (and possibly a jaw bone that has had all the calcium leeched out of it).
NO MORE! NO MORE! I must break free! Return to good habits and hydration.
I'm gonna have to go cold turkey next week folks. Wish me luck
Beer is where its at.
Today's blog is brought to you by Devin Townsend's Addicted (natch)
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