Monday, 23 July 2012

Weekend Back

2 weeks after Roth, I decided I wasn't for sitting around doing nothing (plus I was getting a bit bored). The recovery feels OK so far, but a late night Friday meant I was late getting out on the bike & feeling fairly sluggish.

I parked up at Clachan of Campsie and headed for the Crow. I started strong up the hill, but even before I reached the car park I knew I still had a ways to go on the recovery as I was blowing hard, so when Alan & Ian sailwd past downhill & Ian stopped to say hello, well lets just say it would've been rude to not say hello & head back down with them!

After a blether and a very short jaunt along with them I headed to Milton of Campsie then back to the car, popping into Wheelcraft to let Al know the wheels go me roumd Roth in one piece, though since he was blethering to other people, got talking to a guy with a wooden leg who now uses a recumbant bike, which he then let me have a shot of. It was cool :-)

Sunday saw me with a hangover for the first time in yonks, but I wasn't about to let it beat me so headed off up. The campsies to try out my new Roclite 315's. First impressions - me like!
New inov-8s

While they were never going to be as grippy on the mud and wet grass as the Mudclaws, they offered plenty of purchase on some of the steeper slopes on my route.

The first big slope was pretty nasty with the hangover mind, though the wind buffeting me prevented me from overheating and I headed on up. Once I reached the gentler slopes I started to get a rythmn going, until as I was steppimg down from one of the wee peaks with cairns on I rattled my right ankle. Since it was just tender, I headed back and walked it off for a while, then got back to a light run on the flatter section. A frustrating way to finish up, but at least it stopped me for running on for longer than I had planned to.
Onwards, there's plenty more to come :-D
This is a test on my phone, so no links. Feel free to post one of your own to a cool tune or video in the comments

Nice view...
It got a bit cloudy....

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