Saturday, 11 February 2012


Ended up having another quiet week without training, as I've been suffering with a cold most of the week - I say suffering, but its not been that bad, I just feel that if I go out and train I could make it worse, so I've stayed in doors & I'm getting a bit antsy.

I reckon it was my own fault mind; last Saturday I had a good scoop watching the rugby - several pints of Guiness were involved - and then wnet for a run the next morning with a hangover, hit about 15.5km, and had a swim session that evening. So really, the thing I have to do is chuck the booze again - while I can restrain myself to a glass of wine with a meal (and won't take this pleasure away from myself), if I'm in the pub and I start, I struggle to stop. Its counter productive to my goals, so sorry peeps, I'm back to the soft drinks when I'm out for the rugby.

Staying in today has been frustrating, but I've put some of that energy to proper use & got stuck into the flat; I'd let it get back into bomb site mode and as the training intensifies, this will be harder to battle against, so I need to be doing better now and get into the habit of being tidy. It will make my life easier and less stressful.

Anyways, I'm hoping to get out for a run tomorrow, depending on how I feel there the long club session, a solo canal run later in the morning or an off road run; I'm more likely to go for the off road run for the fun factor to be honest - its been raining so my Mudclaws'll put that smile on my face! Then its a swim session to work on my horrific kick some more!

Today's blog is brought to you by
Children of Bodom - Touch Like Angel of Death (damn you lurgey!)
Machine Head - Real Eyes Realize Real Lies


  1. yo, get some zinc supplements, maybe. If you keep getting ill and feel run down you might not be getting enough from the food you are eating. remember your vitamins and minerals will be used quicker with the calories you burn, and you might not be able to eat enough to get them. Hope you get better.
    I've knock the running on the head for a while, tweaked ankle a little landing funny at the climbing wall. Going MTB tomorrow on the newbie :)

  2. I shall try that. My diet has also been a bit shit to be honest the last couple of weeks, which I expect won't have helped. Had my little rant / tidy rage today, so supermarket bound to buy some better food for the coming week in anticipation of being way healthier :)
