So thanks to Alex, I was back out on the bike again today. After a brief detour, we headed out down the A77. It was a sunny day - just a shame about the temperature.
Considering the km's I'd put in yesterday on my rusty legs and after a brief period of adjusting to the bruised feeling at my sit bones, I settled into a rythmn of sorts, finding the climbs more comfortable than most any I did last year. Sure, the biiiig long drag through Newton Mearns was a right royal pain in the bahookey, but I'm still surprised at how I can tackle the hills - I've got a bit better technique, a bit more power and a little less fear of the hills. I could get OK at going up them there hills! I ached a bit at times, and my hips felt like they wanted to tighten up big time occasionaly, but I kept moving, and kept finding the zip coming back into my legs in surprising places (like at the start of some climbs???).
I'm also reasonably happy with my nutrition on the day, getting my gels in at regular intervals and a coconut bar for something a bit more solid. With what I had & my efficiency (inefficiency?) on the day, I would really have started to struggle if there was much more cycling and my stomach was growling with the lack of solid food in it. Need to see how my body copes with cheese & ham baguettes on the bike for sustained power!
But again, I cannot stress how much more comfortable the Adamo is on the dangly bits, dropping into a much deeper position on the bike than I ever could with my last two saddles. Once I get some more miles into my legs (and cheeks...) its going to be very comfortable I reckon.
The one negative side of this training is how much money I'm going to have to spend on food in the coming months - when we finished the route I was slightly more than peckish.......
So 65km on top of yesterdays 30km + 11k run = reasonable weekend. I want to try and get a cycle in next Saturday morning, then the bike is getting packed up, cos its almost
Tonights blog is brought to you by
Emperor: I Am The Black Wizards
New Model Army The Hunt
Sepultura The Hunt (cover of the above)
and heres footage from Challenge Fuertaventura 2011 70.3 to give people a taste of the island & the roads
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