Wednesday, 5 October 2011


When discussing the end of season running I'm doing (I had a 10k last weekend, got a half marathon this weekend, another 10k the week after, a 16 miler 2 weeks after that then another 10k 2 weeks after that now. Oh, and the 10k Turkey Trot on boxing day), it was put to me that I was going at it a bit hardcore & addicted. Looking at that line up, it does kinda look it, eh?

What I am doing here is increasing the lifestyle changes that started last year, and pushing myself to make sure that they stick. To make a new habit stick, you have to repeat it enough times, and in doing all the races this year along with the training I'm trying to irradicate many of my bad habits and make these new ones stick. Numerous times I've got into something, stuck at it for a while, and then when somethings got in the way of it, I've drifted out of the habit, then moved onto something shiney and new, or I've allowed obstacles to knock me out of my pattern, and gotten lazy. With what I'm getting from training & Triathlon & everything around it, I want exercise to become a fundemental part of my life.

In deciding this, I have moved to remove things from my life that unnecessarily drain time and resources from me. I unplugged my digital box a month ago, which, even though I was only watching about 6 hours of programs a week, has given me back more time than that. I still watch somethings on iPlayer, but with Dr Who finished, theres about 1 program I'm following & that only has a few weeks to run. I actually feel rather liberated. The games consoles gather dust. The comics are no longer bought.

I am not, however, retreating into exercise at the expense of everything else, I must retain the balance of the other things I love, which is why I'm still grinning ear to ear after having come out of the VNV Nation gig. I do enjoy a good bevvy, but I neither need nor want a heavy session very often. I embrace the out doors & now get outand enjoy it instead of always saying "I must get outside more" and then watching some dross on the goggle box, or lying around nursing a hangover.

Roth is going to be a culmination of two years graft & training and a milestone in my life. I'm excited for the race, to cross that finish line, and to be able to look back at the transformation I will've put myself through to that point and to look forward to further challenges. More importantly though, I'm just as excited for all the steps along the way.

Today's blog is brought to you by VNV Nation's Gratitude. Naturally.
"Thank you for all the doubts, and for all the questioning,
for all the loneliness and for all the suffering.
For all the emptiness, and the scars it left inside.
it inspired in me, an impetus to fight.
To all who stood with me, when we stood as one.
Thank you for guiding me, for bringing me home.
And if it seems that I'm obliged to say these words,
I write this in gratitude, the least that you deserve."

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