Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Multiple Yoga Sessions and the Need For Flexibility

What can I say; my glutes and my hips are all kind of tight, my hamstrings are so short I can't get close to my toes and the transition in running styles is putting plenty of pressure on those calves & so they're shortening,  so if I want to train clever, unlock further potential & stay fit through the winter & into next race season I need to be doing something about it, which is why I'm back at the yoga.
Over the next few months I'm aiming to get to at least 2 sessions per week, and having been last Monday, this Monday and now tonight (Wednesday) I can feel a marked difference around some of my joints, particularly my hips. After all the running I've been doing recently they were getting tighter & tighter, particularly my right one, but tonight I can feel that most of that tightness & the pressure it caused is gone. C'mon - I ran a half Marathon on Sunday, and after Monday's session my legs felt about ready to go run another!
Some people have the patience to sit at home and go through a whole stretching routine - currently, I struggle to do that, I get distracted & lose focus or I just don't sink the stretches deep enough, so the classes give me the structure to make sure I'm using my time best.
I really do feel that yoga has an important place in my training over the next year, plus I rather enjoy it.

Find a class and try it out

And on that calming note, for the ying to the yang, tonights blog is brought to you by Machine Head's Davidian

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