Monday 8 August 2011

Cheeky Wee Monday Crow Climb

I hadn't planned on doing anything except a little stretching the evening, but as I got in the car to drive home, I realised with weather like that, it'd be criminal not to get out on the bike for a wee spin and since I'd yet to do the climb up the Crow Road at the back of Lennoxtown, tonight was the night.
I was feeling a bit sluggish, so I just spun myself over there, doing the 12k out in around 30 minutes, just warming up for the climb really. I took 10 minutes from there up to the car park as I struggled to get a good rhythm going, then as I had worked out how to get those pedals spinning properly another 5 minutes to top out where I took a wee chill out to stop beside the burn and relax for a while. Lovely in the sun.
Now the fun bit!
Back on the bike and you have that lovely downhill to open up on, topping out at 68 km/hr on the section down to the car park before chickening out into the headwind and sitting up in prep for the corner. Heavy on the anchors for the corner, then tuck in & crank it up in top gear and WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE topping out at 70.4km/hr with more available from the legs, as it felt a bit sketchy thanks to the wind coming straight at the side of the hill. Anchors on again, into the corners, fun but not so good as technically I suck cornering at speed, with a couple of almost hairy moments, then I'm down into Lennoxtown and cruising all the way home. Lovely.

the route is here, though the out and back sections feel hillier than that...

So things I learnt/refreshed in my memory today:
1) Need to practice bike handling skills
2) The Crow is in easy reach for hill reps
3) My climbing is still a bit baws, but no where near my "special" technique of the spring
4) Fast is gooooood
5) Take opportunities to get out in the sun
6) Fast is fun!

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