Tuesday 2 August 2011

Swim Success

Another day, another sign of how far I've come. Tonight was time trial night and as I have Strathclyde Park Olympic Distance coming up, I figured its time I manned up and moved from the 750m to the 1500m. After a cheeky wee 200m warm up, it was onto the main set. After an initial wee rush, I talked myself into setting a good steady rythmn, not worrying about anyone else's speed and just going for it. Due to a wee niggly issue with my shoulder, I'd given myself the option of dropping out after 750, but as I reached it feeling good at just under 16 minutes, I carried on. In a moment of excitement I kicked off the wall a little too enthusiastically, resulting in a smidgen of cramp, but I worked it off over the next 50m. Settling back down into my proper rythmn, the lengths just disappeared, though towards the end I started taking a couple of big breaths at the end of some lengths. In the last 100m, cramp started to threaten again, but there was no way I was stopping, so took it on home, in a little over 32 minutes. The best thing for me though was that the entire session was completed using only freestyle, at no point did I have to slip back to breaststroke to catch my breath. That, my friends, is progress!


  1. Good lad... sounds like you've just about cracked the distance swimming game - now you have the technique to recover as you swim, it'll just keep feeling easier and easier :-)

  2. Still got a lot of improvements to make in my stroke, so thats got to be a big goal for the winter. But yeah, its feeling easier by the week. The 3.8k for Roth is less daunting than the 1.9k was for Lisboa when I signed up for that! :)
